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Corporate Finance Attorneys | Business Formation Planning: CalfeeAdvising on sophisticated and complex corporate transactions, capital markets, and commercial and public finance services for clients across the U.S. and globally.
Ohio Litigation Attorneys | US International Business Disputes: CalfThe experience and judgment to help reduce the uncertainties of disputes and achieve the most favorable outcome.
Real Estate Litigation Lawyers, Starn O’Toole Marcus FisherHawaii real estate law, Honolulu litigation law firm recognized by best lawyers of America.
Intellectual Property Lawyers | Calfee: CalfeeOne of the largest IP practices in a general practice firm within the Midwest, we have broad experience and a deep bench in prosecution, litigation, opinions, IP business strategy and counseling.
Government Relations Lobbyists in Ohio and Washington, DC: CalfeeWith a practice that spans across the Midwest, we advocate for our clients and provide sophisticated solutions for their business needs.
Justine Fitzgerald Virginia Lawyers Weekly “Virginia’s Go To Lawyers”Hirschler is proud to announce that Justine Fitzgerald has been selected for inclusion in this year s Virginia s Go To Lawyers for commercial real estate law. She was nominated by her colleagues and chosen by a panel f
Accolades Achievements | Calfee, Halter Griswold LLP: CalfeeWe're proud of the work we do for our clients and honored to be recognized as a top business law firm.
Ritchie, Johnson Stovall, P.C. | Knoxville Criminal Defense CivilOver five decades, our attorneys have been recognized for handling significant cases and for their commitment to the highest levels of professionalism.
Home - Wolf, Rifkin, Shapiro, Schulman Rabkin, LLPAs our law firm has grown, we have achieved our goal of providing top quality client representation while maintaining small firm economics and commitment.
Keith Urban selected for headlining act at the 2024 s Voices of AmericKeith Urban is a highly talented singer and songwriter. He will do the headlining act for 2024 s Voices of America Country Music Festival.
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